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tu haces encargos'

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I finally bought it after drooling over it for days now, I will put it to good use.🤤

Can you sell separately?


i want buy it by my card ( mastercard ) ? 


any plans to launch a bundle?


I will consider buying from you, but I have a favour to ask.

1. Can you make some Tools, Weapons and such.

2. Can you make some NPCS? Like the ones in Terraria.

3. Can you create some Bosses?



What are the heights for each sprite?

Mr. rvros. I would like to work with you. Please, contact me


Good night! If I buy can I use it in commercial projects?

Thank you!

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can we have a bundle with all monster bundles? that'd be great

thinking about purchasing your monster bundles. Do you have more planned?

Great work! Are you available to work for hire as a freelancer? Maybe we can work together. Please write me!

Hi, amazing work, I've looked all over internet and I'm definitely astonished by your art! Looks like the animations are only L/R, could you cofirm it to me? I was really interested in 4 directions animations and, if it is not (4 directions), is there any chances of adding up/down walking moviments?


Hello! I'm glad you liked my work. Yes,  only L/R animations are included. These sprites are for platformer games so unfortunately I will not add the Up and Down animations. Thanks!

Are you open for commisions?

I'm not open for commissions, sorry.

can you make human non combat NPCs (just standing and walking sprites)?

Nice and great characters , I want to contact you for a custom character design , how can i call you ?

Hi rvros, 

I love your style. Incredible! Are you open to commissions? 


Glad you liked it.

Sorry, I'm not currently open for commissions.

Hi this is very good asset!

Do you have any plan human type pack? (sword/spear)soldier, archer, magician..

Glad you like it!

I'm currently busy with a project so no plans for now. Thanks!

Hello! I really like your art, do you have an email to contact you? I want to hire you for some art :)

Are there any other monsters planned?

What are the sprites pixel dimentions?

Here are the dimensions for each sprites:

Executioner - 87 x 59
Fire Golem - 64 x 57
Ghoul - 51 x 20
Ice Golem - 72 x 57
Imp - 50 x 50
Necromancer - 60 x 61
Phantom Knight - 57 x 51
Reaper - 48 x 46
Slug - 77 x 39
Undead warrior - 64 x 36

Hey this is good, can you make a hydra?

Great work, I wonder if you are available for taking commission at this moment.  I've sent a email to for detail. Your reply will be appreciated greatly.

I got one more thing to ask of you though: Can you make a jump animation for the necromancer aswell? We are using your assets in a school project, but we really need to be able to jump with all used non-flying characters. If you could do us this favour we would be REALLY glad. Thanks!

Alright, I'll try to update this week.

Necromancer jump animation added (Monster Pack 3.25)

Hey rvros, awesome work, so i wanted to ask if you are working on, and if so, how long will it take you to finish the jump animations for these characters. Can't wait for them ^^


Very soon! You can expect it this week! Thanks.

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Perfect, right in time!

Can't purchase !!!

Hello! If you are still having trouble please send me an email.

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Dude this work is awesome ! Thanks for these awesome sprites....btw you should think about creating games out of your work.

Hi, I really like your monster packs. I am curious though, do you plan on making any more characters like the pixel adventurer? Or maybe a pack of an assortment or different types of characters? I could really use something like that for placeholders while I develop my game and can't seem to find any I like as much as yours. 

I'm have a plan to create another player character, but I'm not sure if when I can release it yet.


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Hi! Your work is wonderful.

Sorry for the Google translation.

I buy your work and build a mobile game.

Pixel monster pack 1
Pixel monster pack 2
Pixel Art Platformer Tileset

It was purchased,

Animated Pixel Adventurer
Animated Pixel Slime

Assets are specified for free,

I want to use it.

Are there any special restrictions on using free assets?

And do you plan to add human characters?

For example, wizards, archers, knight, etc.

Thank you very much for supporting the assets!

The restrictions for the free assets are redistributing it as another assets or with larger graphical asset pack.

You can use it for your mobile games.

Good luck with your game!

Thank you!

what kind of license are on your monster packs ?

You can use the assets for personal or commercial projects and modify, but you can't redistribute it as another or part of larger graphical asset.



Hey, excellent work! I wanted to ask if jump animations will get added too, but then noticed that the other packs already have them added. I guess this will too eventually? Either way, the quality is top notch, I grab all 3 monster packs on this halloween sale. I also want to use your Adventurer asset, it is just too good for a free asset! 

I'd love to see some jump animations if you choose to add them still for this pack, if not that is okay too. Keep up the great work! 

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take my money, take my god-dam money!!!!!! LOVING THE ASSET PACKS


Really quality work, love the art style. I wish I had an advice project at the moment to I could justify picking up the pack.

are there any plans for a fourth pack? cause man I love your work and is a godsend for what I'm doing

Thanks! I don't have plans for the next pack yet. It will take some time but I'll see what I can do.


Excellent. I am so glad I waited instead of buying them one by one on gamedevmarket, I love every asset you release. Please continue making those, your art is really great!


Another great asset! I love the pixel art you make, it looks so clean and vivid ;) I am dreaming about making a game in your art style, where the main protagonist will be the great Adventurer you've made and there will be monsters you are creating! So hope you won't stop the great work! :D

Love this! Can't wait to see what else you have in store. Heroes anytime soon?

Thanks! I have that on the list but will take some time. It will be not a pack as heroes have more animations.

This would be so cool to see, I love the art style but I would like to have more options than just the base hero. Will have to keep an eye out.

Oh yeah totally. If you had some heroes I'd buy them for sure :